Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Christmas Stockings

I got in the Christmas Spirit today and put together some Stocking Cards. The large stockings are cut with the die, and the little cards are made using the offcuts of cardstock from the big stocking and a punch. Cute huh?


Christine Blain said...

VERY cute! It feels good to have some Christmas cards done already, doesn't it?! :)

Sam said...

Yes these sets are way cute Leonie! Do you mind me asking which die you have used for the large stocking. I like it a lot, but don't remember seeing one anywhere. Is it SU?

Thank you for inspiring me to get moving on Christmas. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can ;-)...

Sam said...

PS I just tried to send you an email (twice) but it bounced back both times.....:-(