With so long out of the craft room, and no mojo to be found anywhere, I can tell you that there will be some serious casing going on here for a bit! Until next time...
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The Funniest Craft Night Eva!
After all the news in the past week or so I am sure that most people have seen the wide spread havoc that the floods in Melbourne caused. Well, on a much lighter note, I have not even been into my craft room for around 2 months or so, and last Friday night, I got together with my crafty buddy Phil and new friend Susan, for some long overdue stamping time. I was lucky enough to get small window in the down pour to get myself (and my cardstock) into her house, just poured a glass of wine when ...the power went out! I couldn't believe it, this night was 2 months overdue! Did we let that stop us? No, we stamped by candle light! lol! Check us out!
It was ok for a bit because it is still daylight savings, but 2 hours was enough already! This next photo is so blurry I should not even be posting it, but I just want you to be able to see how dark it ended up getting.
Such a funny night. At one point, I could smell something burning, it turned out to be the hairs on my arm! Anyway, I managed to produce a couple of cards. It looks like my mojo was still on holidays too, and without a computer to go trawling online, I made this one:
I have seen a couple similar around the traps, I know that elements of the card came from Teneale Williams, but also some others in my shabby memory!
With so long out of the craft room, and no mojo to be found anywhere, I can tell you that there will be some serious casing going on here for a bit! Until next time...
With so long out of the craft room, and no mojo to be found anywhere, I can tell you that there will be some serious casing going on here for a bit! Until next time...
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Too funny!!!! Did you take my mojo with you? Seriously, you made a gorgeous card!
Great to see a post on here. This is a lovely card. It was a very romantic evening. Lol
I was just thinking of you the other day thinking whether you had stepped into your craft room. Love how you stamped in the candlelight. Very funny indeed. I must say my eyesight is not the best so you did a fab job with the card. Just gorgeous. I think it needed a few burnt edges to fit the theme. Anyway I toast that you have many more craft days to come. thanks for sharing.
Oh Richelle - too funny!!!Love the card.
Yep, you were certainly left in the dark Leonie. I like your card.
Right, take 2 at trying to leave a comment .... I'd typed a lengthy, witty comment (haha), and BAM, our power went out in yet another of Melbourne's freaky storms! Looks like you girls managed to have a great night despite the 'limitations', lovey. I had a class scheduled for when this storm hit, and had to cancel because my buddies couldn't get out of their flooded streets! Crazy weather. Glad you still got to stamp; you did a great job by candlelight!
A stamping night for you to remember ... always! Hugs xxaxx
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